After SAT rap, Sebi to provide clarity on requirement under takeover code regulations The Securities and Exchange Board of India ( Sebi) would soon need to provide clarity on the disclosure requirement under the takeover code regulations. Specifically, if the yearly disclosure requirement is of the individual promoter or the promoter group. This is a fallout of a Securities and Appellate Tribunal ( SAT) ruling which opted for the latter view. It was critical of the Sebi stance in a number of cases. SAT said Sebi's was an inconsistent approach : In some cases, it had ruled one way on this issue and then the other. SAT had clubbed around 15 appeals against Sebi rulings in these matters. "Since there is no uniformity among the ( Officers) of Sebi in determining the obligation to make yearly disclosure under the regulations in question, we call upon counsel for Sebi to inform us accordingly," it stated last month. Adding: "It is the duty of Sebi to ensure con...