New framework for algo trading on cards Sebi will soon issue a consultation paper seeking market feed back The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi), in consultation with the finance ministry, is expected to reissue fresh guidelines on high frequency trading (HFT), popularly known as algorithm trading, after taking feedback from market participants. According to sources, the earlier proposal to tighten the algo trading rules, which had been put out by Sebi in August 2016, has been dropped by the ministry.The market´s contention was that the rules were framed without taking all aspects into consideration, were not in line with global practices, did not have sufficient checks and balances, and would have had an adverse impact on liquidity. To review the proposed norms, Sebi constituted in August last year a committee on fair market conduct to suggest measures to improve surveillance of the market and strengthen the rules for algo trades.“We have received several pr...