SIT on black money seeks details of probe by Sebi; investigation into 100 entities underway The crackdown on tax manipulation by listed entities using the stock exchange platform has picked up steam, as regulatory bodies and investigative agencies have intensified their scrutiny of the companies involved. According to sources, the Special Investigative Team (SIT) on unaccounted ( black) money has sought a probe report from the Securities and Exchange Board of India ( Sebi), which has so far been leading this probe. “SIT has sought a probe report on these listed companies that are using the stock exchange platform to evade taxes by way of misusing longterm capital gains tax ( LTCG) provision,” said a source. Over the past six months, under whole- time member Rajeev Kumar Agarwal, Sebi passed orders related to around 10 companies; 36 companies involved in irregular trades were suspended and 900 entities were banned. According to estimates, the money involved in these orders adds ...