Govt may amend law to let Sebi act against unlisted units Specific sections of the Companies Act may be tweaked to allow Sebi to enforce corporate governance norms on unlisted subsidiaries to protect investors’ interestThe government may soon vest the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) with powers to act against insider trading and forward dealing activities in unlisted units of a publicly traded entity. Specific sections of the Companies Act may be amended to allow Sebi to enforce corporate governance norms on unlisted subsidiaries so that investors’ interest is protected, said Injeti Srinivas, secretary of ministry of corporate affairs (MCA). “We have a meeting with Sebi in the next few days and we will work on this issue. Even if it involves unlisted companies, MCA is open to vacate the required areas in the Act for Sebi as long as it serves the common goal of improving corporate governance standards,” Srinivas said on the sidelines of a corporate governance summi...