Fiscal deficit target of 3.2% realistic,he says Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Friday said an institution to tackle non-performing assets (NPAs) of banks and over-leveraged companies could not be funded by the government alone through budgetary support.He,however,did not dismiss the idea of the body mooted by the Economic Survey. Interacting with representatives of industry chambers,two days after he tabled the Budget in the Lok Sabha, Jaitley said he would not like to get into a situation where eventually NPAs become a government issue and the whole thing has to be supported out of the Budget. The Economic Survey for 2016-17 stated the country has been trying to solve its‘Twin Balance Sheet’problem — overleveraged companies and bad-loan encumbered banks,alegacy of the boom period around the Global Financial Crisis.So far,there had been limited success,it said. It suggested a centralised Public Sector Asset Rehabilitation Agency (PARA),which could take charge ofthe largest, mos...