Sebi files appeal against Rs. 210 cr tax demand The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has filed an appeal in the goods and services tax (GST) tribunal against a tax demand of Rs . 210 crore for providing various services in the 2013-16 period, two people familiar with the development said. This follows the failure of talks with the finance ministry officials to waive the tax demand, and greater conviction within the regulator that it has a strong case under the Finance Act. The case pertains to tax liability on services provided by Sebi to entities such as stock exchanges, their members, brokers and investors for processing initial public offerings, debt issues, mutual funds and new fund offers, besides providing informal guidance to firms. In 2013, the tax department had said these services were not in a ‘negative list’ of nontaxable services and were hence taxable. In February 2013, services rendered by Sebi were not pu...