Sebi proposes Aadhaar-based identification for investors The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is planning identification of stock market investors through their Aadhaar numbers. In its annual report for 2016-17 released on Monday, Chairman Ajay Tyagi said “Sebi will continue to strengthen market supervision through various steps such as Aadhaar-based identification of investors, effective market surveillance and monitoring of compliances by regulated entities.” The move is in line with the government agenda of making Aadhaar mandatory for opening bank accounts, filing tax returns as well as for any financial transaction of ~50,000 and above. The government in Budget 2017-18 has already mandated linking of the Aadhaar number with the Permanent Account Number (PAN) to avoid creation of multiple accounts for evasion of taxes. In the annual report, Sebi said it was working on linking Aadhaar with individual demat accounts. ...