Sebi plans to open consent doors for serious violations The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) is broadening the scope of the consent mechanism to reduce the number of cases it is handling. According to sources, the regulator is planning to allow serious offences such as insider trading, front running, or fraudulent and unfair practices to be settled under the mechanism. Sources privy to the development said Sebi would take a fresh look at the pricing formulae to decide the settlement amount under consent. Currently, the formulae prescribed by Sebi have too many variables, making the process ambiguousThe regulator is working on simple formulae to arrive at settlement fees, sources say, adding that the new consent framework will be introduced in less than two months During the last board meeting, the Sebi chief had acknowledged the need for tweaking the consent rules.“We are revisiting the settlement norms and have started rewriting certain regulations,” Ajay Tyagi, c...