Regulator Asks MFs to Disclose Total Expense Charge on a Daily Basis Markets regulator Sebi on Tuesday asked mutual fund houses to prominently disclose on a daily basis total expenses charged to customers for all schemes under a separate head on their websites as well as industry body Amfi website. The fund houses need to disclose about name of the scheme, base as well as total TER, additional expense and Goods and Services Tax (GST) for regular and direct mutual funds plan in a prescribed format. The new directive will come into force with immediate effect, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in a circular. “AMCs (Asset Management Companies) shall prominently disclose on a daily basis, the TER (scheme-wise, date-wise) of all schemes under a separate head - ‘Total Expense Ratio (TER) of mutual fund schemes’ on their website and on the website of Amfi,” the regulator added. It said that any change in the base TER (excluding additional ...