The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Thursday relaxed requirements imposed on companies for related-party transactions, to bring them in line with amendments made to the Companies Act that came into effect in 2014. Following the Act’s provisions, the market regulator amended the listing agreement norms to allow companies to approve any material related-party transaction by passing an ordinary resolution instead of a special resolution, as was required so far. However, related parties have to abstain from voting on such resolutions. So far, Sebi norms required a vote by two-thirds of minority shareholders on a special resolution before a related-party transaction could be passed. This will now be reduced to 50%, on the lines of the Companies Act. The move will make it easier for listed firms to clear such deals. “This is definitely a step backward with respect to the interest and protection of minority investors,” said Shriram Subramanian, managing director at InGovern,...