In a bid to improve accountability and ensure every order is looked upon as a regulatory action, the Securities and Exchange Board of India ( Sebi) might get its orders passed by a panel. Currently, orders are passed by a single officer from one department. “To make orders a collective responsibility of the regulator and to prevent one officer from being singled out, we are mulling to have a panel to pass orders,” said a source. Another source says this would increase the quality of orders and ensure different perspectives are taken into account while issuing these. “ We want to have orders with more of quasi- judicial quality. Being passed by a panel would make sure these cannot be questioned easily,” added the person. This was suggested by some independent members who are a part of the Sebi board of directors. Lawyers agree this would help improve the applicability. “It will bring more perspective.Ideally, this panel should include at least three officers and one of them sh...