Retail investors in IPOs to get compensation: Sebi Sebi said there should be a uniform policy for calculation of the minimum compensation payable to investors Market regulator Sebi on Thursday said retail investors applying for shares in IPOs would need to be compensated if bankers fail to make the allotment despite their eligibility. Besides, the public issue banker would need to pay an interest amount of 15 per cent to the investors for failing to resolve the grievance within 15 days, while they may also face Sebi’s action for such failures. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Thursday said retail investors applying for shares in initial public offerings would need to be compensated if bankers fail to make the allotment despite their eligibility. The public issue banker would also need to pay an interest of 15 per cent to the investors for failing to resolve the grievance within 15 days, while they may also face Sebi’s action for su...