The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) has set Rs.500 crore in one of the past three years as the minimum turnover for a commodity to remain eligible for futures trading on exchanges. This will come into effect from April 1. “For any commodity to continue to be eligible for futures trading on exchanges, it should have an annual turnover of more than Rs.500 crore across all national commodity derivatives exchanges in at least one of the last three financial years,” Sebi said in a circular on Friday. A commodity that generates less than Rs.2 crore a day in trading volume across all contracts and exchanges will thus be delisted. This is aimed at parking of funds in illiquid contracts to evade taxes. Sebi has provided three years of gestation for commodities from their launch or re-launch dates. “Exchanges earn Rs.250 per day for a commodity generating Rs.1 crore of turnover. While the norms are good, the limit should have been much higher for any exchange to launch co...