THE REGULATOR has also asked its non-executive members to meet separately to evaluate its performance, and intends to appoint a woman director on its board The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) plans to reduce the listing timeline after an initial public offer (IPO) further to four days from six days, a move that would further bring down investors' exposure to market volatility . “We have been able to bring down the issue timing from T+12 to T+6 and I would like to mention that all of us have to start working now to further reduce the issue timing,“ Sebi chairman UK Sinha said while addressing the annual capital market conference by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry . “Can we perhaps bring it to T+4 days for example and reach the best global standards? I am sure we can do this with co-operation of market, government, Reserve Bank and the bankers.I have already asked my team to start working in that direction.“ Last year, Sebi reduced the lis...