Aspirants can't even `fill' new online form launched last month for registering new cos unless promoters' Aadhaar credentials are validated online Even though the Su preme Court has only allowed Aadhar to be used `voluntarily for a few social welfare schemes the Modi government has made it compulsory for any budding en trepreneur to submit her or his Aadhaar number in order to reg ister a new business. In fact, aspiring startups can't even `fill' a new online form for registering new enterprises intro duced last month unless the Aad haar credentials of their promo ters (sought in the first column of the form) are validated online The ministry for micro, small and medium enterprises had last month notified Udyog Aadhaar taking a cue from the prime minis ter's radio show Mann Ki Baat where he had talked about simpli fying procedures to start a busi ness with a single-page registra tion form. Experts said this move is a violation of the Supreme Court order on...