The Securities and Exchange Board of India has proposed a self-regulatory body for distributors and advisors of mutual funds products. The regulator said the distributors of mutual fund products and investment advisers are becoming important players in the market and growing in number. There are about 1.24 lakh distributors of mutual fund products as on February 28, 2019 and 1,136 investment advisers registered with Sebi as on March 19, 2019. “Therefore, their direct supervision by Sebi would be challenging. Hence, some form of a first-level regulator is required to have an oversight on them,” Sebi has stated in a discussion paper on Monday seeking public comments by April 21, 2019. “Further, the same (SRO) may be extended to suchother intermediariesor other market participants as may be notified by Sebi from time to time.” The regulator has sought feedback on whether there should be a single or different SROs for different class...