Updates Of the Day 1.SEBI has issued circular for Investor Grievance Redressal System and Arbitration Mechanism. 2.Updated version of MCA XBRL validation tool-V3.0 available on MCA. 3.Use modified version of Form MGT-7 (Form for filing annual return by a company) w.e.f. 17th Nov 2015. 4.Delhi VAT- Form to be submitted by dealers conducting online sales and other amendments. 5.VAT Input Tax Credit is to be allowed till the date of publication of cancellation of registration in the official gazette. Appellate Tribunal, VAT in the case of M/s Shree Sidhi Vinayak Traders. 6.Today (20.11.2015) is last date to file DVAT-16, DVAT-17 & DVAT-48 for Quarter 2 of 2015-2016.Circular No.29 of 2015-2016. 7.Payment made in excess of Rs 20000/- should be allowed if made in business exigency. [ITAT Hyderabad held in Manikanta Concerns vs DCIT] 8.Adjustment of seized cash before completion of assessment permitted against self assessment/ advance tax subject to specific request made by asses...