Updates Of the Day 1.SEBI has commenced regulating the commodity derivatives market with effect from 28 September 2015 and the forward contracts regulation Act got repealed w.e.f. 29 September, 2015. 2.CBEC revises limit for arrest and prosecution in cases of outright smuggling or mis-declaration of baggage from Rs.5 lakh to Rs. 20 lakh 3.The definition of 'charitable activity' contained in mega exemption has been amended by Notification No. 20/2015-ST dated 21-10-2015 to include 'yoga' in the said definition. 4.Service tax return filing last date will be 26 october, 2015, being 25th day of the month happens to be a public holiday. 5.Last date for filing of Form DP-1 of DVAT further extended to November 23, 2015. 6.DVAT return online as well as hard copy can be filed upto 28th after end of the quarter 7.Scanned image of documents shall be of original signed documents relevant to the e-forms. Rule 8(6) of the Companies (registration offices and fees), rules, 2014...