www.caonline News... 1>SEBI clarified that in case an eligible seller does not receive the tender/offer form, he can participate in the delisting by providing the application in writing on plain paper, signed by the eligible seller, by introducing the issue in the FAQs on SEBI (Delisiting Of Equity Shares) Regulations, 2009 2>Fee charged by Finance Co. for collecting EMI from bank customers would be considered for sec. 36(viii) deduction. [Gruh Finance Ltd. v. Assistant Commissioner Income-tax, Circle-4, Ahmedabad] 3>The assessee is eligible for the claim of depreciation u/s 32(1)(ii) on the amount of intangible assets acquired by it as per Business Transfer Agreement. [Grindwell Norton Ltd. vs Addl. CIT 1 (1) , Mumbai and Vice-Versa - 2016 (8) TMI 222 - ITAT MUMBAI] 4>Only when a corresponding liability arises on the ONGC to pay up the accrued amount, the income will become taxable. [Deep Industries Limited vs Assistant Commissioner of Income Tax, Circle-1-2016(8)TMI ...