Sebi nod for universal exchanges from Oct 18 Norms for mutual funds tightened; decision on loan default disclosure deferred The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Thursday said exchanges would be allowed to deal in both equities and commodities from October 2018,amove that would benefit the National Stock Exchange (NSE), the BSE, and the Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), which currently trade in either of the two categories. The capital markets regulator also announced easier access norms for foreign investors and capped crossholdings in credit rating agencies (CRAs) as well as mutual funds (MFs) to safeguard investors´ interest.The concept of universal exchanges was in the works since the commodities regulator, Forward Markets Commission (FMC), was merged with Sebi in 2015 Earlier this year, Sebi allowed single intermediaries, such as brokers, to deal in both commodities and equities underasingle licence.Sebi said the steps needed for allowing universal licence w...