With an aim to deepen the nascent commodity market, Sebi is likely to give mutual funds the go-ahead to trade in commodity markets in a month, while the regulator is also in talks with the RBI to allow institutional investors like banks and FPIs to trade in the segment. Mutual funds' participation in commodities derivatives would be the first one to happen among institutional investors," Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) Chairman U K Sinha today said, and hinted that the move could be implemented in a month. Sinha, whose term as Sebi Chairman ends on March 1, was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the regulator's international conference on commodity derivatives. On allowing participation of banks, alternative investment funds and foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) in commodities, he said Sebi is in active consultation with the Reserve Bank over the issue. "Our argument with RBI has been, in any case bank's have huge exposure to commodit...