PM's Eco Council Lists 10 Areas to Push Growth Advisory body identifies priorities, not in favour of relaxing fiscal goals The recently reconstituted Economic Advisory Council to the Prime Minister (EAC-PM) has identified 10 priority areas for reviving growth and employment in the next six months such as jobs, monetary policy, public spending and agriculture.“The entire thrust of the council will be on giving specific implementable recommendations to the PM after consulting all stakeholder ministries,“ Bibek Debroy , cha irman of the council, said after its first meeting on Wednesday . The 10 themes are economic growth; employment and job creation; informal sector and integration; fiscal framework; mone tary policy; public expenditure; institutions of economic governance; agriculture and animal husbandry; patterns of consumption; and production and social sector. From Page 1 Debroy said the council will draft suggestions on five of these at its next meeting in November, keeping...