Sebi allows Reits, InvITs to issue debt The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) on Monday allowed infrastructure investment trusts (InvITs) and real estate investment trusts (Reits) to raise capital by issuing debt securities.The Sebi board, at its meeting on Monday, also made several other relaxations to the InvIT and Reit framework to provide a boost to stalled infrastructure projects. InvITs and Reits are investment vehicles that allow investors to take exposure to income-generating infrastructure and real estate. The earlier rules allowed launch of equityoriented Reits and InvITs, which offered only an indicative yield but not a fixed yield. Issue of debt-oriented Reits and Sebi has reiterated its InvITs would offer fixed returns intent to adopt a consultative to investors, which could provide approach in refining regulations a fillip to these instruments, to make these trusts successful bankers said. platforms,” said Further, Sebi has extended Bhairav Dalal, partner,...